Welcome to Timeline Photos. A few years back I started peeking around my archives in search of some of the first photographs I had taken. Here records my quest into better understanding my long term love of camera and experiencing the world with it in hand. All photos appear in chronological order hopefully revealing an evolution of how I see and what moves me to speak with light.

Images are licensed Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. You are welcome to share an image given that you credit me, Irene Kato, as photographer with mention of my blog link, 'irenekatophotos.blogspot.com'.

Contact irenekatophotos@gmail.com for information about prints, permissions, and on-site assignments. Thank you!!

(Photo credit Phil Monahan of Orvis)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

In the glow, we walk

In the South, you just know when the humidity arrives and is here to stay. As soon as I stepped out this evening to walk our dog, I felt it immediately. It draped itself over me in a thin layer of stickiness as we moved along not even a long distance from home. Despite my angst, I thought the effects on the light were gorgeous as the golden sky had a glow to it. The setting sun kept making me turn around to enjoy as Sparkle led me to the field.  I found it all so lovely.

Apparently, my iPhone4 was aware of the glow, too, because the photos taken delivered just that. At first I thought it was a smudge on the lens, but no.  Possibly my contacts were funky and tired? No.  I just went with it and took advantage of how we worked together to capture and enjoy the feel of it all.

Walk with me through the images and the space. Maybe you'll get a sense of why I gravitate toward this field and what it offers.

Know that I processed the photos in Picasa, overall kept the composition intact with only a few cropped, and used the "Orton-ish" filter to accentuate the glow. I find myself preferring the feel of the bw and its stress of the white in its softness.

Fest family appreciation 2015

I love New Orleans Jazz Fest and Heritage Festival for its music, food and culture, yes.  Every year, I also volunteer at the Zulu Krewe Diamoncutters beverage tent via the heartfelt outreach of The Threadheads, and I feel myself becoming more and more attached and happy to see the good people working with me, and stopping by to visit, too.  I'm more than fortunate to share in their Fest spirit of friendship, fun and goodness!

Breaking in tradition of presenting images in time order, I'll share a mix of photos from the different days worked at Fest this year.  I'm so prompted to dig into past years for images of friends, too.  Enjoy meeting and reading about my Fest friends who make the experience all more awesome!!

*More friends to be posted*

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

They're back...

Enjoyed a little impromptu photo session with a dragonfly or two, today.  While still cleaning up sticks fallen during last week's crazy storm/potential tornado, I was visited by a few dragonflies enjoying flight in the sunshine.  I kept taking note because one in particular returned to the same stick for its landing allowing me to get close for some awesome views.  There were territorial 'battles' between dragonflies, as well as some comradery in shared stick space with one another.  Not only are they pretty to watch and a challenge to photograph, but they are a wonderful reassurance that there will be less mosquitoes bothering us.  Now if I could only get that "dragonfly in flight" shot I'm looking for...