Nearly two hours into one of the concers, Alabama Slim put down his guitar, stayed at the mic, and Raphael Imbert introduced Leyla McCalla's return to the stage for "Sweat Lodge Blues". Its mesmerizing and mantra like quality spoke to me, as well as the imagery and emotions invoked. It takes me back to the river spaces and textures I know and enjoy to explore. So good for the soul...
I've listened to it many times and jotted down the lyrics for the first two verses and refrain. Which lines resonate with you? Each tells their own story... (Click to see concert promotional image, hover over center, click and wait. The whole 2 hour concert is very well worth the view and listen. This link enters you at "Sweat Lodge Blues" 1:46 and the final set including Match Box Blues. Very nice!)
Sweat Lodge Blues
Sweat like a river
Spring like a river
Sing like a river
Cry like a river
Pray by the river
Mourn with the river
Dance by the river
Love with the river
Stones in the river
are stones in the river
Boats on the river
and birds flying over
Follow the river
and learn from the river
and know of the river
and flow like the river flows.
I love the river
I sing by the river
She growls like my father
She swings like my mother
I know the river
her soul is a mirror
She could be a lover
She could be a killer
"Why" goes the river
but wide is the river
Shaped on the river
but lights coming over
Follow the river
and learn from the river
and know of the river
and flow like the river flows
Sweat like the river
Sweat like the river
Pray by the river
Pray by the river
Stones in the river
Stones in the river
Follow the river
and learn from the river
and know of the river
and flow like a river flows
Please be sure to visit the artists' pages linked above to learn more and appreciate. Thank you, and thank you for this project and outreach, Raphael Imbert.